Open your Market Leader book on page 40, and do the vocabulary exercises A. B, and C. 

Read the PowerPoint presentation: “How to read a financial report.”

Make a list of fifteen important words and post the list on your e-portfolio.  

  1. Balance sheet
  2. Income statement
  3. Shareholders
  4. Cash flows
  5. Assets
  6. Inventories
  7. Liabilities
  8. Gross margin
  9. Taxes
  10. Net income
  11. Earnings
  12. Charges
  13. Debt
  14. Stock
  15. Turnover

Interactive activity #1 (objeto virtual de aprendizaje No. 1)

Interactive activity #2: In this interactive activity, you will have to analyze a graph and choose the 3 sentences that best describe what you see

b. Meet with your team and have a conversation about money. 

. Open your Market Leader book on page 41 and 42. Read the text “Reporting Financial Success.”
 Do exercise A.

Go to the following website and read the article “Ideas for New Businesses”:

What do you think about these articles? Discuss it with your team. Write your opinion (in two paragraphs) and post it on your portfolio. 

I think that any idea can be developed, but is necessary to put energy and create a plan with objectives, strategies and financial goals.
Every day a lot of people begin a new business but a lot of them fail because the entrepreneur does not a plan.
About the new ideas, in my opinion the successful business did not search satisfied a people's needs. They created new needs . I think this is the secret.

a.Case study. Open your Market Leader book on page 44 and 45. Read the case study about the company ANGEL INVESTMENT and analyze it on your own. Discuss the case study with your group, write your thoughts (as a group) and post them on your respective e-portfolios. IMAGE

They have a new laser printer that could be a market leader.
The area of inkjet and laser printers can be change in any time because of state of art of technology.
The prices have fallen because of competition.
Its new perfume has great potential.

They are exploring new markets in South America and Asia.
They depend of improving of economies of key markets.
Campaign of new perfume could not be effective.
On-line fashions
They show a good performance.
They have problems with deliveries.
The new warehouse in Spain is not efficient.
Amazon Ventures
They discover six large reserves of diamonds.
Rains can be affecting the exploration.
They have the support of government.
The company has heavy debts.
There are environmental groups against the company.

Final decision

We decide to invest on ON-LINE FASHIONS and AMAZON VENTURES because these companies have the best forecast a long term.

In the first place, ON-LINE FASHIONS has showed a good financial behavior and we think its problems with deliveries can be solved with new management rules.

On the other hand, on our mind AMAZON VENTURES works in an area that always have been profitable and has a great potential.

E mail to CEO

Dear CEO:
We have been analyzing the situation of the four potential companies to invest and we suggest two: On-line fashions and Amazon ventures.

We would choose these because have the best forecast a long term. 

In the first place, ON-LINE FASHIONS has showed a good financial behavior and we think its problems with deliveries can be solved with new management rules.

However, we may to follow the future behaviour of Technoprint and Unibrand to decide if is a good idea to invest in these companies later.

Best wishes,


Go to the following website and do the pronunciation exercises:

Forum 3 Read the following articles: “How to read a financial statement”
“The Importance of Financial Statements”
On Blackboard, go to Forum 3 and discuss the following points:

 In your opinion, why are financial reports so important?

To my mind the financial reports or statements allow us to see a behavior of a specific sector or industry and it is important for all people because can determine diaries things like the food prices or scarcity of something like the gas.

For this reason, we have to read these reports and try to understand the impact in our lives.

For instance, if you read each day the report about the outcomes the petroleum WTI, you can understand why the oil price in your country is increasing or dropping.

I suggest to try to relate politic events with the market behavior. For example, when took place the "Arab spring", the world oil prices went to up because in that region there is a big amount of reserves of petroleum and was in danger the supply the oil in the world.

In my mind, on the business field the financial information is the base to take decisions. Reliable reports are useful to take a good course because show the past behavior of the sales and items like incomes and liabilities to anticipate the future business environment.

But, is important to know that the financial reports need people with analytic skills, because an information can be wrong interpreted.

Thus, the companies have to educate the employees about financial topics and to hire the best staff for the accountant area.

- Describe an experience or anecdote you may have read to illustrate your opinion.

On a personal experience with financial reports, I have to say that I began to learn about this topic when I started to think investing my savings and I did not know nothing respect ways to invest, except savings account.

Then, I had to talk with financial advisors to decide where could put my savings. After, I knew that there are several products, but I had to read some reports about their behaviour at last year to decide what product could meet my needs and adjust to my risk profile.

So, I learned to evaluate the numbers on a report, specially the profits during a specific period and relation risk-profit.

Final assignment 3: On the Internet, find a real chart, diagram, graph, or pie chart of your interest. Write a 250-300 word report where you analyze the graph, using the vocabulary you have learned in this Unit. Remember that you need to write full sentences. Do not use bullet points.

Analyze: Fortune's ranking of the biggest companies in the world 2011

In this report, we are going to analyze the Fortune's ranking of the biggest companies in the world 2011 (one chart and one figure), which shows a list of organizations that more money won in the world in that year and points at the profits and revenues of each business.

For to carry out this list, Fortune saw the cash flow, earnings, balance sheet and other aspects like the sales and purchases of each partnership, but in this casethe key is the revenues: the first place is for the company with most of amount revenues.

Surprisingly, we can see there are not technology companies like Apple or Google in the top ten of 
the list and the most of firms belong to the energy industry.

As summary, we can say that the oil company Royal Dutch Shell, with 90.000 employers, was the number one in 2011, following by their American competitor Exxon Mobil and by the supermarkets chain Walmart.

The oil and energy industry dominates the list because of the ranking are Shell (1), Exxon (2) and other powerful firms like the British BP (4), the Chinese Sinopec Group (5) and China National Petroleum (6) and the American Chevron (8) y Conoco Phillips (9).

We are inclined to believe that the oil companies dominate the ranking because historically the energy industry has been one of the most important industries in the world because moves a big amount of money and, even, has created wars between regions. However is important to analyze the behavior of the oil market and check the oil inventories in big economies like the US and China in 2011 to prove our thought.

Geographic description

As far as the geographic concerned, the report highlights  that US has 132 corporations in the ranking, followed by China (73), Japan (68), France (32),  German (32), United Kingdom (27), Switzerland, (15), South-Korea (13), Holland (12) and Canada (11).
However, in the top ten there are not European and Latin-American firms. The first European company is the oil firm French Total (11), followed by the German manufacturer Volkswagen (12).
About our region, the first Latin-American firm is another oil company, Petrobras (23), the second is the Mexican Pemex (34) and the third is the Venezuelan PDVSA (36).

Top 10 - Analyze by companies

1. The Royal Dutch Shell
Among the companies that have more income to date is in the first place The Royal Dutch Shell in the hydrocarbon sector with products such as oil, natural gas and petrochemicals. It has revenues of $ 484,489 million and approximately 90,000 employees.

2. Exxon Mobil
In second place is another big U.S. oil company, Exxon Mobil, formerly called Socony-Vacuum Oil Company, within its products is the marketing of gasoline and lubricants, but its real success lies in the quality and innovation of products. Your income is around $ 452,926 million.

3. Wal-Mart Stores
Third is the multinational retailers Wal-Mart Stores, who is known for their low prices and great jobs in the United States, with more than two million employees. The services offered are clothing, footwear, warehouse clubs, discount stores and shops, hypermarkets and supermarkets specialized. It has an average income of $ 446,950 million.

4. BP
The oil company BP, ranks fourth in this scale with revenues of $ 386.463 million dollars within their account with petroleum products, lubricants, oil and natural gas.

5. Sinopec Group
According to Fortune, fifthly have to Sinopec Group, is a Chinese company that markets petroleum products and is the most important companies in the region, with revenues of $ 375,214 million.

6. China NationalPetroleum
Another successful Chinese company is the China National Petroleum, which is controlled by the State. If we check the numbers, we can see that its revenues increased in 2011 about 46 % compared with 2010 and it profit raised around 13 %, in a year with high prices of the oil.

The numbers show an important increment in a country that search to become a powerful economy in the world. For this reason, the corporation, which has 1,668,072employers, is developing exploration and production projects in 30 countries.

7. State grid
And the next in the ranking is a Chinese too. State grid, an energy company, is in the seventh place with 259,141.8 million of revenues. In 2011, this corporation recorded an increase of 15 % approximately in revenues and its profit incremented close to 25 %.

Currently, State grid, which has 1,583,000 employers, is calledthe world’s largest company State-owned utility.

8. Chevron

In eighth place there is another American company oil: Chevron, which has 61.189 employers. This firm, even though have had legal troubles in Latin-America because is accused for environmental damages, currently recorded a great advance and the Fortune´s numbers show that in 2011 its net income raised 41,4%, around 26 billion dollars.

9.  ConocoPhillips

In this place we have the American ConocoPhillips, an energy and oil company. In 2011, just a year before to begin to apply the quote: “less is more”, the firm increased its revenues by 28 % and its profits around 9 %. In addition, according the Fortune’s report, its debt downed nearly $1 billion.
One year later, the corporation, which had  29,800 employers in 2011, started to apply the strategy “less is more”, that consisted in to reduce the company and to focus on the exploration and production, while areas like refining and marketing were going to new firm called Phillips 66.

10.  Toyota motor
And the last place of top ten we have a Japanese firm: Toyota. This automaker company got this place even although had two hard years because of the earthquake and tsunami in March of 2011. This factor disrupted the production and its sales went down.
For this reason we can see the profits downed and the company, which has 325,905 employers, lost around 24 %. However the company remains as a third automaker in the world.

a.    b. Open your Market Leader book on page 39. Do exercises A, B, and C. 

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